Our Living Word

The Bible is not intended to be a mere chronicle of past events but a living communication from God, telling us now what we need for our salvation. It is meant for us to read it not so much as a devotional, but as a living word for us and for our community. Preaching is proclaiming, heralding and announcing the good news to all people everywhere. Teaching brings understanding and sheds light on our response to the Word proclaimed. The diversity of interpretations reflect our particular experiences, gifting, and histories. The Word is alive for all people at all times. No one people or person can hope to contain the vastness of God in their hands alone. The Word of God reveals that each of us have a note to sing in God’s chorus of praise. All of us are invited to sing our gospel song of praise to our God. Each person’s song adds depth to our understanding, color to our vision, and clarity to the voice of God among us. Scripture is our living Word because it continues to encounter us where we are and as we are.

by Andrew Bridgeman 8/10/21


A Prayer of Holy Garments: Ephesians 6:10-20


Life’s Testing