Corvallis United Methodist Church Mid-Week

The Week’s Prayer

Every morning that you wake

May you feel the peace

That can calm the fiercest storm.

There is more to peace that a temporary cessation

of hostility,

Political solutions cannot undo such willful

disregard for human life.

First must come repentance,


and finally, Shalom.

God of grace, work in hearts torn apart by hate,

work in hearts torn apart by hate,

pour upon them your healing balm of love;

bring wholeness, restoration and hands that reach

out to embrace,

rather that cause more pain.

Bring your peace,

your shalom. Amen

Faith and Worship

Worship Service: Inside, Parking Lot, and Zoom Service. Please tune your radio to FM 99.1 for the parking lot.

Zoom link:
This is a recurring meeting. Return to this link for Sunday Worship.


Corvallis United Methodist Church Mid-Week


Corvallis United Methodist Church Mid-Week