Corvallis United Methodist Church Mid-Week

Join us for fun and fellowship on Sunday, September 8th for our special outdoor worship service. Bring along a lawn chair or two and your favorite dessert or salad for the potluck to follow, featuring burgers and hotdogs grilled by our men's group! If you have a canopy to shelter from the sunshine that we hope we have, feel free to bring it. We hope you can join us.

The Week’s Prayer

Creator and Sustainer,

Surround you this day.

May the love of Christ,

Redeemer and Savior,

comfort you through this day.

May the Holy Spirit,

In the unity of the Three,

Support you through this day.

(Faith and Worship)

Worship Service: Inside, Parking Lot, and Zoom Service. Please tune your radio to FM 99.1 for the parking lot.

Zoom link:
This is a recurring meeting. Return to this link for Sunday Worship.


Corvallis United Methodist Church Mid-Week


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