Corvallis United Methodist Church Mid-Week Email

Prayer Shawl/Craft Group will not meet this month.

The Week’s Prayer

In my journeying with you,

may I never lose my sense of direction,

never lose sight of the landmark

towards which I travel.

And should cloud or rain obscure my vision,

may I draw closer to you,

so that my feet may tread

in your footsteps,

your words be my encouragement,

and your love my protection

against the storms that assail me.

(Faith and Worship)

Worship Service: Inside, Parking Lot, and Zoom Service. Please tune your radio to FM 99.1 for the parking lot.

Zoom link:
This is a recurring meeting. Return to this link for Sunday Worship.


Corvallis United Methodist Church Mid-Week Email


Corvallis United Methodist Church Mid-Week Email