Corvallis United Methodist Church Mid-Week Email

Men’s Breakfast: Saturday, August 10th at 8 am.

Trustee Meeting at 5 pm on August 12th Finance and Ad Council Meetings on August 13th at 10:30 and 11:00 am, respectively.

Prayer Shawl/Craft Group will not meet this month.

The Week’s Prayer for Justice

One in eight, Lord,

will eat just less than enough

than their body requires

before they sleep tonight,

and every night.

One in eight, Lord,

will eat just less than enough

to feed body and mind,

and succumb to illnesses

they cannot fight.

One in eight, Lord,

will eat just less than enough.

As our plates are cleaned

and needs satisfied,

remind us, Lord.

(Faith and Worship)

Worship Service: Inside, Parking Lot, and Zoom Service. Please tune your radio to FM 99.1 for the parking lot.

Zoom link:
This is a recurring meeting. Return to this link for Sunday Worship.


Corvallis United Methodist Church Mid-Week Email


Corvallis United Methodist Church Mid-Week Email