Focus on the Cross

I am so amazed at the miraculous ways God teaches us. Sitting in church last Sunday I noticed my body had taken it’s now familiar frustrating right-side lean. I find it irritating when it becomes painful and i get tired of reading sideways. I look down the aisle in front of me and found myself riveted on the cross in the front of sanctuary. That gorgeous cross is always there but one Sunday I noticed something very powerful. As long as I focused solely on the cross, my posture straightened up. If I became distracted by other people or things happening around me I instantly found myself ‘off track'. So it is in life, we must also keep our focus on the cross. If we do that, we are sure to make solid and wise choices.

An excerpt from Blooms & Blessings: For Your Trials of Life by Kimberly Linquist. Used with permission.


Pastor’s Corner


A Prayer of Holy Garments: Ephesians 6:10-20