A Prayer of Holy Garments: Ephesians 6:10-20

The Belt of Truth 

Perfectly wise and knowing God, I put on the belt of truth. I choose to live a life pursuing the one who said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” I seek to embrace humility, grasp honesty, and champion integrity. Expose the lies and the self-deception I have accepted as true. Confirm what is true in me. 


The Breastplate of Righteousness 

Holy God, today I put on the breastplate of righteousness that I may seek first the Kingdom of God above all other. Let it be so that I would be preserved in your name and sustained by your grace. In my times of trouble keep me from all assaults against my heart. 


The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace 

Saving God, you are the one who shall reconcile all things to Yourself. I seek to walk in the way of peacemaking. I will forgive my enemies and surrender my list of grievances. I will be an ambassador of reconciliation and be on the side of those who have been persecuted.  Reveal Your Spirit’s work and lead me to it. Walk with me today.  


The Shield of Faith 

Good and Gracious God, I am assured in the confidence that “God is good, God is great.” Over and against all evil that shall befall myself or the world, I am protected by the confidence of your presence with me. Nothing shall come to pass that will overcome me because You are with me. On Christ this solid rock I stand. 


The Helmet of Salvation 

God of justice and mercy, I thank you for my salvation. Today, I receive it in a new and fresh way from You. I do not take the gift of life for granted but respond in loving action. Nothing can separate me now from your love and for the table you prepared for me in your Kingdom. I am yours and you are mine. 


The Sword of the Spirit 

God of majesty and glory, reveal Yourself to me through your Word. Let the Scriptures awake in me a hunger and a thirst for righteousness. May the Scriptures ignite in me a passion for justice and a concern for my neighbor. Let the Scriptures reveal my weakness and display your steadfast love. Show me where I must grow and preserve me from the snares of evil. 


by Andrew Bridgeman 7/18/2021


Focus on the Cross


Our Living Word